Healing Presence Ministry

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Afterlife Kisses

My story about the Red Cardinal has received a lot of interest as others have shared visits of love from these beautiful Red Birds. I also have had many other love messages from finding Pennies & Dimes to the presence of Rainbows, Butterflies, Dragonflies, Tree Frogs, & Dove; besides the male Red Cardinals, I also get females. I wrote a poem about these afterlife gifts of God kisses:

Afterlife Kisses

Afterlife Kisses

Pennies, dimes, coins abound
So many that I have found

Guardian Angels sending their love
Precious gifts from Heaven above

Raindrops to rainbows in skies I see
Signs of hope and promise given to me

Falling feathers drifting down
Tell me you are safe and sound

Yellow butterflies of resurrection
Rebirth is our hope and conception

Ethereal dragonflies bringing eternal light
Come to me as solace for my dark night

Tree frogs that have been transformed
Showing life does change, is not conformed

A pair of cooing mourning doves
Send me confirmation of everlasting love

The hidden red bird's melodious song
Reminds me you are not ever really gone

Love is this life source and prevailing force
That helps me to stay on this long, rocky course

Yes, it is you I will always forever miss
But the afterlife sends to me a tender God kiss

So although I no longer see your sweet face
I am blessed by God's merciful, loving Grace

-Dr. Rhonda Milner