New Beginnings

January is the first month of the New Year. It is a time for reflection and change to alter things that we need to let go, those parts that hold us back. But, as we look closer into the microcosm, it's not just January for New Beginnings, but Each Day is a New Beginning to find, to live, and to begin a new way.....always everyday.


New Beginnings


Each day is a New Beginning
With possibilities never-ending


Hope awaits on the horizon
Life may brighten and enlighten


A new chance for a new way
Each and every new day


Just as the seed sprouts forth to grow
Rebirth can be what we know


We must keep the faith
Knowing it is never too late


The future may be found safe
We can survive it unscaith


We have to let go of the past
As change is what will always last


There is nothing left to fear
Though death always hovers near


We all live teetering on the rope
So let God be the One to help us cope


God's hope is the promised game
Only His forgiveness can remove our shame


So let all apprehension be put to rest
Life is not a test or about being the best


Take each day, one day at a time
Letting go of every single past crime


Releasing those past sins
Gives us a new way to begin


Most all our worries dwell in our mind
So a silver-lining is ours to find


If we can start over one more time
Everything will work out just fine


All our living days hold a new sunrise
Where hope rests before our eyes


Live each day as it might be your last
Time is fleeting by so very fast


Be present fully to feel, hear, and see
Mindful living will be the key


Remain in the moment of life
Relinquishing all the world's turmoil and strife


Then choose to trust God always first
He will be there to quench our thirst


The Three: Faith, Hope, and Love
The Fourth: Belief in our Father above


A New Year, A New Day, with New Beginnings
Old ways are gone with their endings


It's always time to Begin Anew
Each New Year or Day, a chance to Renew


And then Next Year or Tomorrow once more Begin
Living life Beginning over and over Again


And then once Again


--Rhonda Milner


Mathew 6:34a

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow

for tomorrow will worry about itself."

Blog, Poetry, HopeRhonda Milner