We Are Either Moving Towards God or Away From God.

So it is in each moment of every day, we are choosing to move towards God or away from Him. By not exerting intention, we will drift away from God. Just as when we are floating on top of the ocean, we will drift out to sea away from the shore. But, with exertion and intention, we can swim to shore to safety.

Each day is an opportunity to move closer to God, growing in the intimacy of our relationship with Him; it is always a choice to be intentional, as God is always there waiting to be in communion, communing in union, with us. He waits at the door, knocking, asking for us to invite Him in.


"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me." 

Revelation 3:20

Blog, WritingsRhonda Milner