Healing Presence Ministry

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Not everyone has a loving, supportive father. Many of us do not have an earthly father to exemplify how our Heavenly Father loves us. My father struggled with depression and alcoholism and my parents divorced when I was 5-years-old.  His alcoholism deeply affected our relationship and my ability to be close to him. He has been deceased for over 25 years, but I know if he ever loved anyone in this world, he loved me.
My earthly father may have failed me in many ways, but I know unconditional fatherly love because of God's care for me.  I also see it in my husband's eyes and actions as he loves our children.
I know that God is my Father, and I am His beloved.  I wrote the poem "Beloved" with these thoughts in mind. 

God is my Father, and I am His beloved
He is with me always giving me His love

Although I remain undeserving and a sinner I be
He has sent His precious Son, to suffer and die for me

He corrects me with love even though I err
This unconditional love of His remains so rare

I always fall short of what He has planned
But, He allows me time to do all that I can

God provides when I don't even know
He is always there to pick me up when I am feeling low

He guides me down the path I must go
He is patient when I am moving way too slow

He whispers through the still small voice that lives in my head
He speaks to me through dreams while I am tucked safe in my bed

He gives me the strength, peace, and rest that I need
Nurture and nourishment He provides and feeds

I hear and see Him by being in Nature
I have placed all my bets on Pascal's Wager

He makes me feel special and I have His favor
With Him living in me I know I am braver

He is a good Father always being fair
I know in my heart He will forever care

I am His beloved and He is my Father
I give to Him all of my heart and soul with ardor

 -Dr. Rhonda Milner
"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters."
2 Corinthians 6:18

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 
1 John 3:1

"But now, o Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand."
Isaiah 64:8

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