Healing Presence Ministry

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"Choices" was written to reflect on the magnitude of consequences our decisions can determine. A zeolite runs a car into an innocent crowd or ties a bomb to himself killing unsuspecting children. An act of harmless flirting quickly turns into a devastating affair destroying families. Cheating or stealing just once only to get caught with punitive results, little white lies that blow up into violations of trust and destroy relationships, or a decision to drink and drive accidentally takes another's lifeā€”all the results of what we choose to do. There are a gamut of choices we make every day that can lead us into sin and darkness. The choices we make can shape our future and final fate.


All choices must be done with diligent care
As results, outcomes, consequences can be so unfair

A negligent accident, a pulled trigger, a lit bomb,
All become choices of who we become

A smile, a nod, a small sacrifice
Can end up being more than just nice

A stone dropped into a pond
The ripple effect goes on and on and beyond

Choices are free to choose
But not to determine what comes due

A leap of faith, it must take
To one day see our Maker's face

Too busy, too tired, do it later we say
Then we find out we have lost our way

Life becomes a series of choices
Even with silence, not using our voices

Sometimes we must make a firm, unwavering stand
It can determine which side of the fence we land

Our outstretched, compassionate helping hands
Can keep us from sinking into a void of quicksand

We are held accountable for every mistake
We never know when and if it may be too late

Death will come ringing, we don't make the date
With each second we may have cast our fate

All these choices remain up to us
So think with cognitive intention, we must

God grants us freedom to decide
To be with Him or not, our final destiny to bide

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." James 1:5

 "He said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?' Simon Peter replied, 'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.'"
Matthew 16:15-16

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