God of Wonder

God of Wonders Wednesday.jpg

In my new book due out in July, “The Signature of God,” I talk about the character of God and who He is. My premise is that we can know God by His creation. He signed His name on the world including our lives so we could know Him. We can see all around us in the world that He is a God of Wonder, many wonders.

In my poem, “God of Wonder,” I talk about how even little children can know and see God all around them. Children are so innocent and trusting. They are full of wonder and they see a God of Wonder who is very present in the world and all of creation. 

God of Wonder

God of wonder, a child’s pure delight
You are all around, surrounding our sight

You are there for everyone to see
You make it simple, easy to believe 

Little children run to Your bright beacon of light 
They see all Your power and all Your might

Tiny babes are always protected and safe
All their pure souls are Yours to finally take

Built-in stories and metaphors are Your design 
Plain, uncomplicated to understand and find

Little ones You love to watch dance and play
They hear Your words, know what You say

Your love is always there to shine
Having displayed Your character into your intricate design

Dark nights full of hopes on twinkling bright stars
Where You hold our magical dreams both near and far

You know our every desire and all our wishes
You hear our heartfelt prayers and give us secret butterfly kisses

All of this is part of Your mammoth eternal scheme and plan
Our faith and trust remains forever held in Your loving hands 

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'”
Matthew 19:14

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Poetry, Blog, Human LoveRhonda Milner