Hearts With Cracks

There are many that suffer in solitude, choosing to self-medicate in one form or another. They hide their deepest secrets from the world because they are too painful to utter, even to themselves. Remaining silent, they pray they will disappear into oblivion to forever free them from the shackles of bondage, but they nevertheless remain corrupting the soul.

Sometimes in attempts to relieve the pain, a person can inadvertently slip beyond the boundaries of life. The thread keeping one attached to the mundane realm can fray and grow tenuous with the stress and strain of daily living. It can be inordinately hard for some, as they hold unresolved trauma from their past. Sometimes permanent cracks form in their hearts leaving them damaged and broken. My poem, “Hearts With Cracks,” is written about these fragile, sensitive people who carry deep wounds.

*I wrote this poem after viewing the documentary on Whitney Houston, a sensitive soul whose voice was a true gift from God.

Hearts with Cracks

There are some of us with cracks in our hearts
Pain held in secret kept afar
No glue to mend or seal it back
Something gone amiss, something lacks

So long ago damage already done
It chases and consumes, can’t out run
Crept inside bringing darkness within
The message of fatal destruction it sends

The incessant search is for no hurt anymore
But no way to ever even this losing score
It is facing, accepting, surrendering to defeat
Then it means the Master to face and meet

Innocents we all were once long ago
Then to tender ones things happened, we did not know
Those scattered hearts full of cracks laid broken
Words sealed forever never to be spoken

One day there will finally be compassion and mercy found
When worn bones lie decaying in the ground
There will be understanding, forgiveness, acceptance there to greet
When we look Jesus eye to eye resting at His feet

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Psalm 34:18

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