Healing Presence Ministry

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Living On and Beyond

I write this poem on the 6th year anniversary of the death of my 25 year-old son, Whitner. (Click here to learn more about Whitner's story.) It is written to give hope to others who have experienced great loss and heartbreak. It is written as an affirmation to know you can go on and live life, not as it was before, but as a new reality. You can still find joy cherishing each moment and each day as a blessed gift from God. You can live on....


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I Live On

I can breathe though I thought I never could
I can laugh though I knew only tears
I can forget though I have experienced the unthinkable
I can live though I could hardly bear a day

I have love though my heart remains broken
I have joy though I carry great sorrow
I have hope though I know darkness and despair
I have faith though I have felt God's absence

I can rest though I have known constant tension
I can cope though I almost gave up
I can grow though my mind grew still and stagnant
I can flourish though my world once stopped

I have trust though I have been hurt and disappointed
I have gratitude though I know deep loss
I have thankfulness though my former life is no longer
I have peace though I live with constant uncertainty

I know my Redeemer because He has forgiven me
I know the Holy Spirit because He whispers to me
I know God because He never forsook me
I know His Son because He has died for me

So I live on....

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

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