Healing Presence Ministry

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The Divine Paradox (is about HOPE)

This remains one of my favorite poems that I wanted to share as the new year of 2016 begins. It is a poem to contemplate and ponder, this miraculous Divine Paradox that changes us into a new creation. It means there is always HOPE even when we find ourselves in the worst of circumstances enduring pain and suffering because God uses everything to transform us and conform us to Christ's Image. May 2016 be full of joy and God's blessings.


The Divine Paradox


In giving we receive.
In loving we are loved.
In losing we gain.
In surrender we are victorious.
In dying we are born. 
In forgiving we are forgiven. 
In accepting we are accepted. 
In death we find life. 
In weakness we find strength. 
In quiet we find music. 
In letting go we are saved. 
In pain we are healed. 
In suffering we are restored. 
In brokenness we are mended. 
In pruning we grow. 
In emptying we are filled. 
In submission we find power. 
In darkness we find light. 
In mystery we find understanding. 
In stillness we find God. 
In losing our life we find The Life. 
In the paradox of faith we are transformed..........

--Rhonda Milner



"For those God foreknew he also predestined to be

conformed to the image of his son...."

Romans 8:29