And God Cried

I recently visited Rwanda's Genocide Museum in Kigali and The Resistance Museum in Amsterdam. The stories of 6 million Jews and one million Tutsis being exterminated because of their ethnicity drove me to tears. Genocide is still occurring in many countries, and it must stop. This poem is a reminder of what happens to humanity when genocide is allowed to persist. God cries with us and for us.

And God Cried....

People killing their neighbors and brothers
Maiming, slaughtering just because they are the others
Deep inside of us something then dies
From the echoes lingering of the screams and cries
With the Devil they have shook his hands
By blindly obeying someone else's rhetoric and commands
There is a time to stand and defy
Denying, not believing the heinous lies

Discrimination and segregation are unfair
We must rise up, fight, and care
We are our brother's keeper so we say
To live in peace is the only way
Otherwise, it can happen over and over again
If we don't listen but instead pretend
We must remember and never forget
If not Genocide we will live again to regret

Families destroyed and lives left broken
Winning the battle was the only token
Scars left outside and within
This is what remains, we must contend
Hatred will always breed hate
Then lost souls will be the case
At what sacrifice is the cost?
What within them and us has been lost?

Children can suffer for their father's sins
Then everyone loses, nobody wins
So many consequences and lessons to be learned
Trust and faith in others must be earned
Only with open forgiveness can lives find repair
Healing deep holes in hearts, unmended tears
Acceptance, kindness, love, and hope
Given to one another is the only solution to cope

Mistakes made can make it too late
Then cast to the wind our dismal fate
They become we and we become them
Then all our lives become dark, desolate, and grim
Malice and contempt, souls can mold
As hearts and spirits grow forever cold
We all lose when we do not see
We are held accountable as our minds remain free

His creation pitting man against man
Something He does not want or understand
This was never God's intention
The reason Jesus came and His Great Commission
So we must never surrender our voice
It remains always our pivotal choice
We may give up our lives in the end
But true to our conscience is the message we send

Heaven will spill over with tears
Until mankind learns over the years
Forgiving allows for reconciliation and healing
The promise of hope assuages the hurt and painful feelings
It is about loving each other, one and all
Otherwise we remain lost from the Fall
Sometimes we can't understand the reasons why
But we know God still weeps with us and sighs

....And God cried and cries
Over the tragedy of human Genocide

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
John 15:12

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Luke 10:27

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19

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