Ode to Heroin

I wrote this poem on Oct 13, 2015, to my oldest daughter to let her know we would never give up on battling her addiction, and we would never give up on her. By God's grace she is in recovery and now her 3 year sobriety birthday is September 26, 2018!!! Happy birthday Kathryn!!

I sent this poem to her on Oct 22, 2015, and this was her response:
"Wow mom that made me cry. Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much that meant to me.... I just want to make sure I have a purpose and that is to help others. I love you so much always and forever."

Every September is National Recovery Month and this is the 29th year. It has evolved into National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month and it’s goal is to raise awareness that, with help, every person with an addiction can live a healthy, rewarding and productive life.

I recognize and commend my daughter this month for her hard work and determination to make it 3 years without drug usage. Also, during this time she has grown into an amazing, accomplished young woman. She works tirelessly with young children helping them overcome their physical challenges and she has gone back to finish college hoping to work towards a Master’s degree.

We have come so close to losing her too many times. God has intervened miraculously to save her life so I know He has great plans for her. Where there is life, there is always hope so never, ever give up

Opiate addiction is an epidemic in the U.S. killing so many daily. Please encourage those who need help to seek it. 

Ode to Heroin

You come to maim, blame, shame, and destroy.
You rob of life, love, trust, and joy.

Your goal is Satan's work,
and in the shadows there he lurks.

You play the sweet enticing Sirens' song,
only too late to know it was all wrong.

A moment's pain is gone
to only find it continues to go on and on.

Your casualties are held captive by the links of love and lure,
but sadly they discover there is no cure.

They say heroin, the lover, is always there instantly ready to give and care.

Lies, lies, and more lies are all you speak turning your victims into the weak.

So goes the same old story every time;
there is no reason nor no rhyme.

Death is there to shed his black cloak
as he watches young lives go up in his smoke.

Sinister is too kind of word;
your evil voice should never be heard.

You came to claim my child as your own
never caring once for the loving family of her home.

So though you have come and tread too near,
I am not being pulled and lulled into your fear.

My Lord is strong
and does no wrong.

He will prevail
in the triumph of His nails.

As long as there is life and breath,
there is a battle to be fought and wept.

You may think you win by stealing flesh,
but Jesus does not leave his faithful to rest.

Heaven's gates say its not too late;
God's Paradise will certainly be her fate.

The victory is already won,
and you, Satan, remain forever under the Son.

We will never give up, even if we must begin,
over and over, time again and again.

In the final end,
heroin, you, and the Devil will never ever win.

-Dr. Rhonda Milner

"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5:3-5 NIV

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28 NIV

"Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
Romans 12:21 NIV


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Poetry, Blog, SufferingBritt Jackson